Paper Project

Materials: Card stock paper, masking tape

Dimensions: length- 6 inches, height- 4 inches


What I had to do: For this project, much like the balsa wood, the process of creating something that was fitting to what I had in my head proved to be quite tricky. Manipulating the paper to give the effect that I wanted it to was something that I was not sure how to portray. I began by cutting the paper into long skinny strips and then started to braid it. I have always enjoyed braiding, and thought that it would be visually pleasing, once I began braiding the paper took its own form and began to twist creating a spiral. Once I had several spirals, I began to think of another pattern that I make all the time to add to the braids. I thought about when I go to restaurants and how I always take straw wrappers and fold them into an accordion shape. So I took several pieces of stock paper and folded them the same way I do with straw wrappers. Piecing all of the items together was challenging, but the end result is what I thought it would be. 

What I learned: The takeaway from this project was a great reward. With creating this project I learned that there is not much control that can be taken from paper, it does what it wants. I enjoyed this project in retrospect to the balsa wood, and having them be put in a project together was interesting to me having never worked with these materials before. 
