Fluxus Box Project

Materials: plywood, red paint, wood glue, wine bottle (broken), watch, lightbulb, hot glue, paper, perfume, lighter, earring, hook, and paper.

Dimensions: height- 3 feet, length- 1 & 1/2 feet, with- 1 & 1/2 feet

Resources: http://foundations3ddesign.blogspot.com

What I had to do: For the fluxus box project I was tasked with finding a movie and making a box to represent the movie and what it enveloped. I chose to represent the movie The Breakfast Club, because that has always been a favorite of mine and I love the message that it represents. I chose to build a locker, and paint it red because the lockers in the movie were red, and also to represent other aspects of the movie. Next, I chose to have the hook that is normally inside of lockers, on the outside, because I wanted the note that was hanging from it to be visible no matter what. On the inside I broke a bottle, to represent the brokenness that each character holds inside them no matter how 'put-together' they may seem. Representational of each character are a various range of objects; a watch, a lightbulb, an earring, perfume, cigaret butts, a lighter, and a letter that would have been placed on a letterman jacket. The watch is representative of the Claire, and it is cracked because she is a high class person but has her cracked family home. The lightbulb is representative for the "nerd" in the movie, because he was going to kill himself because the lightbulb on his wood shop project did not turn on, and his parents expect A's from him and nothing less. The earring is for the other woman character in the movie, she also comes from a broken family that makes her life difficult, and towards the end of the movie she breaks out of her shell and realizes that she doesn't need to hide behind her problems anymore. Cigaret butts and lighter are for Bender, the rebel in the group, how his parents don't like or respect him and its led him to smoke and become a bit of a rebel. Each character has their own problems, but when they all came together they realized that they weren't alone in their struggle. It was a challenge for me because I feel the same way that some of them do, but creating a representation of that feeling was really amazing and having it come to life made me incredibly happy.  

What I learned: I learned that time management it your best friend. I got carried away with certain aspects of the project and did not allow enough time for other parts of the box. I learned more about the movie in creating this box, and learned more about the characters through my work, which was very rewarding. I enjoyed creating this representational movie box, and thought that it was a good way to open our creative minds and see what we were capable of. 
